One Night with the King 2022

Hope In Hearts in collaboration with Worship Life Center Church (WLCC) just had another remarkable celebration called One Night with the King (ONWK), an empowerment event for sex trafficking survivors.

ONWK was held last April 23 at Phoenix Dream Center. It was indeed an inspiring event, enjoying good food and fellowship. Everyone was hyped up on the red carpet during the ROYALTY walk. Capping the event by crowning the survivors as reborn Kings and Queens. A reminder that they are valued and born ROYALS beautiful inside and out.

One Night with the King is a recurring event that is a commemoration of all of the survivors within the program recognizing all of their completions and accomplishments this includes workshops and mentoring. This event gives the sex trafficking survivors to celebrate renewing their mindset and their sphere of influence and thus change the world.

Hope in Hearts would like to thank the people who participated, helped out, donated, and supported this program this year especially Pastor Jay and Joyce Stanly, and the WLCC family.

Be our partners of Hope. Help us to continue this program by sponsoring and donating.